lunedì 31 maggio 2010

Change blogspot favicon

How to change the icon next to the blogspot url?

- First of all you need to have your icon 16x16px in the .ico format, there are a lot of website that do so, just google it.
- When you have your icon ready you need to upload it on a website hosting
- Paste the following code on the html template of your blogspot, at the beginning, in the head tag exactly after the title tag:

(link href="'DIRECT" rel="'shortcut" type="'image/x-icon'/")

- Replace DIRECT LINK TO YOUR ICON with your icon link and replace the () with <>

And that's all!


I am a graphic designer, not a web developer. However sometimes we need to know a bit of Html to publish online. I would like to share my knowledges with everyone is interest on, so stay tuned!

giovedì 27 maggio 2010


Hello everyone,
My name is Alessia and I am a freelance graphic designer, based in London.
The reason why I decided to begin this new experience of a blog is because I would like to publish my design work and something interesting for people who loves art and graphic design too.
Hope you will enjoy my post!